My life now

Last updated: 15/06/2024

Active projects

  • Career
  • Exercise
    • Running + Calisthenics in the morning
  • Blog: picking up writing again!
  • Personal
    • Finding peace in life
    • Losing weight and fasting
    • Savoring the present
  • House decor
    • Learning to take care of house plants
  • Investing
    • Using Trading212 as broker
    • Dividend investments, S&P 500 and cannabis stocks
  • Cooking / Diet
    • Practicing knife sharpening
    • Testing out a healthy rotatory menu
  • Gaming: playing some FH4
  • Research:
    • How can AI improve my life right now

Paused projects

  • Paused due to lack of time:
    • Driving license: scheduled for Oct. 2024
    • Advent of Code 2019
    • Advent of Code 2020
    • Advent of Code 2021
    • Advent of Code 2022

This is a now page, read more about the project here