5 min

How I control my expenses

Table of contents

Through the years, I created multiple systems to keep an eye on my money. In this article, I want to share how I control my expenses as well as some pills of financial advice.

Briefly explained, my system consists of:

  • 2 bank accounts: expenses and savings
  • An spreadsheet to keep track of monthly expenses and get a sense of my monthly cash-flow
  • Phone app to track casual expenses
  • Monthly retro

Expenses and savings accounts

Letā€™s start with the 2 bank accounts. The reasoning behind this is simple: separating my savings and expenses gives me more control over how much money I choose to spend.

Every month, I transfer my monthly budget from the ā€œsavingsā€ account to the ā€œexpensesā€ one. Over the years, I found the magic amount that covers me almost any month. Some months I might exceed that budget, however, thatā€™s fine as long as it happens rarely.

The key behind this system is that it requires very little self-control. My payroll is deposited to my savings account, a periodic transfer moves a portion of it to the expenses account, and finally I only make payments with my expenses card.

As simple as it sounds, this has helped me for more than 5 years. I consider this to be an essential for saving money.

Monthly cash-flow

Recurrent payments like memberships, housing bills or subscriptions, need a different approach. Most of those expenses are paid monthly. In order to track them I use a simple spreadsheet like the following:

Gym membershipPassive-50ā‚¬
Cash flow540ā‚¬

I marked as ā€œactiveā€ all the things that bring money into my life, and ā€œpassivesā€ are the contrary. Building this table provides me an outlook of my recurrent expenses. Furthermore, it helps me keep my monthly expenses to a minimum.

The most important number in the table is the sum of all the amounts. This total represents my ā€œmonthly cash-flowā€, in plain words, how much ā€œfreeā€ money I have after paying non-negotiable expenses. I think of this amount as my ā€œreal incomeā€. Knowing that number is useful for calculating your ā€œmonthly budgetā€ (see previous section).

Casual expenses

Keeping track of all my expenses was tedious at first, however, after a couple of months I noticed the value of it.

Everything started with a guess of how much money I spent monthly. I saved that number and tracked every expense for a couple of months to see how accurate I was.

The tool I used was an iOS app called Dime. I liked the simplicity, and it allowed me to categorize my expenses. Furthermore, it has a lock-screen widget which has been extremely useful to quickly save expenses.

A few months passed, and I was surprised to see how off my guess was. In reality, I was spending ~30% more than what I guessed. In my case I was eating out too many times.

Despite being tedious having that information has been key for preventing a habit of over-expending.

Monthly retrospective

Collecting data is only useful if youā€™re going to use it for something meaningful. In my case, I review the data in Dime on a monthly basis to keep myself on the right track.

Inside Dime, each expense has a category associated, one of the following:

  • Food (eating out + delivery food)
  • Groceries
  • Utilities
  • Fashion
  • Go out (partying and whims)
  • Transport
  • Gifts (to myself and others)
  • Healthcare

The retro consists of reviewing the sum of expenses for each category and asking myself if Iā€™m comfortable with it or not. When Iā€™m not comfortable I check the details to identify the root cause.

Remember, not all months are going to be equal, donā€™t stress about it. For example: in Christmas and summer we usually spend more money.

Financial advice

Before finishing the article I want to give some financial advice that I find helpful.

  • Keep your system simple, donā€™t obsess over money. Try to find a process that works for you and provides a balance between control and ease of use.
  • Remember that money is meant to be spent. For some people (I can relate) itā€™s hard to spend money. I have a simple rule: if something improves my quality of life its worth my money.
  • Spend more on things you value and cut down on things you donā€™t. Personal example: I stopped going to fast-food places and reserved that money for more expensive meals that I enjoy more. Identify the items and services you enjoy the most and allocate more money to them.


Money management doesnā€™t need to be complex. In this article I tried to explain my system so that anyone could understand it. Iā€™d like to hear how others manage their money.

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