3 min

Social Farmer

The world is full of people. Each and every one of them is different and unique. Despite our differences, we like to be around each other. That makes us ā€œsocial animalsā€.

I find it fascinating to analyze the way we relate. Social relationships are a beautiful topic to explore.

Personally, I imagine myself as a social farmer. To be clear, Iā€™m not cultivating ā€œpeopleā€, that would be weird. I cultivate ā€œrelationshipsā€.

Despite how weird this might sound, the values of gardening are applicable to relationships.

Throughout your life, you will meet a ton of people. Some will ā€œplantā€ a seed in your garden, others will not. Of those seeds, only a few will grow into small sprouts. The rest will perish without notice. Thatā€™s the way nature works; we donā€™t have much control over it. The remaining sprouts will bloom into beautiful flowers or trees. The process of building relationships takes patience and proper care.

Compared to plants, people are much more complex specimens. They need special treatment. Some individuals demand more attention while others need personal space. Good farmers are able to identify the needs of each person. The more people you meet, the easier this becomes.

The design of your garden is completely up to you. Some farmers maintain big gardens while others get overwhelmed by those. Each farmer is attracted to different plants. Thereā€™s a huge variety of them, each with its own beauty.

Nature moves at its own pace, following seasons. Each season plays a crucial role in garden maintenance. They provide a stable method for growth and change. We humans are also ruled by seasons. However, sometimes we fail to notice the bigger picture: the cycle of life and relationships.

Summer months bring people together outdoors. Those times foster new relationships and group activities. In contrast, winter months are challenging for the crops. We spend more time indoors practicing more intimate and personal activities. Depending on the circumstances, this could strengthen bonds or break them apart.

Thanks to this cycle, the garden grows over time into a beautiful jungle. Some parts of the journey are easier than others. Letting go and removing weeds is never an easy task. Remember that everything is temporal. After every hard winter, a beautiful summer comes. Wait patiently for plants to grow and enjoy the garden at every step.

Take care of your friends. Keep your garden clean of bad weeds. Embrace change like plants do. We seem to have forgotten that everything we know is part of nature. Live in compass with nature and youā€™ll notice how things work out.

Thanks for your time.