2 min

Why do I carry 2 phones?

It’s simple. I don’t like distractions. I have 1 phone for social matters, and another for tools + productivity.

I enjoy my alone time. I use it to build castles in my mind, made of ideas. But these idea castles are fragile. It takes hours to craft one. Then my phone rings, and it all falls apart. The world’s chaos rushes in. Social media, messages, emails. I’m not against socializing. But quality alone time matters to me.

It takes deep focus to build these mental castles. And once built, that’s when the magic happens. With ideas neatly arranged, I can prune rotten branches. Water the roots with fresh insights. This mental upkeep keeps me sane. The world is chaotic. It can push you where you don’t want to go.

So be kind to yourself. Carve out space for solitude. Protect your mind’s sanctuary. Nurture your inner world with the same care you give your physical space. This self-compassion is not selfish. It’s essential. You deserve the quiet to think, to create, to simply be.

Keep your inner and outer worlds tidy. Two phones may not be your thing. But I hope these thoughts spark your curiosity. If they resonate, play with them. Build your own idea castle.